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Saturday 31 July 2010

Stanley Park

I have usually heard Stanley Park is a very amazing place and I got there with my calssmates and instructors a few days ago. That was the First time I arrived such a big park. I can see how amazing it is. A huge green area came up into my eyes. A strong smell from nature everywhere around the park. I can't even use any worlds to describe the feeling of this moment. I Love it.

We took a walk around the park. I learned a lot from the guider. Look at that photo. What a fantastic! Such a tree still alive and it became a most important situation of the whole forest which is ''nurse''. It can help the other trees grow up healthy. The guider told us that tree doesn't mean just a tree. It can be a lot of things such as house... We all had fun.

1 comment:

  1. I love Stanley Park, too. You can go there almost every day and still find something new.
