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Sunday 1 August 2010

The great firework

What a good day today. Nice sunshine but not so hot, pretty comfortable. I went out at noon for the firework with Michale and his friend. We got all the stuffs for the picnic during at night and we arrive there at about 5. First, we played card games for a while then had a great picnic. Until 10. All the people there were pretty exciting. Of course I know it will be pretty fantastic because it comes from China.
Look at the video, That's pretty much what I'm talking about.

Saturday 31 July 2010

Stanley Park

I have usually heard Stanley Park is a very amazing place and I got there with my calssmates and instructors a few days ago. That was the First time I arrived such a big park. I can see how amazing it is. A huge green area came up into my eyes. A strong smell from nature everywhere around the park. I can't even use any worlds to describe the feeling of this moment. I Love it.

We took a walk around the park. I learned a lot from the guider. Look at that photo. What a fantastic! Such a tree still alive and it became a most important situation of the whole forest which is ''nurse''. It can help the other trees grow up healthy. The guider told us that tree doesn't mean just a tree. It can be a lot of things such as house... We all had fun.

A most important trip of my life

I was holding a ticket of Air Canada. A couple of worlds express the topic--fly to Vancouver. I stayed behind the endless ocean before the flight by myself. The moment of happy, sad, scary, angry all come up together by memory for a while. I start to think, will I return my homeland? I don't know how long after. The sky has been changed to colorful from blue. The people I had never seen before such as curly hair, eyes are not black... I'm here just like a newborn baby but don't have parents.

I promise that I will be back when I find out a area is no longer belong to ''white and black'', after '' yellow''.

Friday 30 July 2010

KTV experience.

I went to KTV with my classmates a couple of days ago, which is call MAX 2. That's a great place for having a meeting. During the time over there, we sang a lot. There are many different kind of songs from all over the world but most of them are Chinese. Now, I would like to introduce two pretty girls of my classmates who are call Cece and Xylia. They are really good at singing. Unbelievable! They sang as same as the famous singer star who's call Yilin Chai. I will be pleased to make another chance to enter such a concert again.

Tuesday 27 July 2010

A new life in Canada

For a student, Canada is more lovelier than China. There are only a few classrooms for all the students in China, even though a large number of students. almost 60 in every single classroom and whatever courses you study are in the same classroom with the same classmates. There's no choice for the course, everyone has to study 7 subjects such as Chinese, Math, English etc. It's more comfortable to study in Canada than China as I can take the courses whatever I want except English, whenever I can except at night. The schedule of Canadian school is more helpful than China and I found it fantastic until I met a great instructor who's call Michael Victor, I've never seen who teach English as well as he does. He's not so tall but pretty funny, not so thin but pretty smart, not so handsome but has a pretty beautiful Japanese wife(Amar has ever told me). That's one reason of why I want to be a student forever here.

For a resident, Canada is more suitable for me than China such as the weather, temperature, food, environment, even of the population. The people who live here are nicer than China. People usually greet each other by say ''hi'' even they don't know before. I rented a house in Vancouver recently, there are a little bit different than I was in China. I was lived in a huge apartment on 6th floor, there are a total of 13 floors at each building. My room as you can see at the picture from the right side. No any sun shine during the day, no any wind during the summer because there are a few huge building around mine. The other one is the room I live now, a good sun shine during the day, a big wind during the summer. It's very difficult to find a house in the city of China, almost impossible. I really would like to live here for the whole life, but how will it possible happen for me...

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Dream and goal.

My dream used to be a singer when I was a little boy. But it wasn't any more when I lefe high school in China. I got a job later, as a photographer. I worked very hard so I achieve a great achievement in that company. The dream was changed at that moment which is become a famous photographer. Until I came into Vancouver and became a student again, my dream is follow it again---be a student forever. I know that's impossible but at least I do now.My goal has never changed, which is find a pretty woman and maried her, organize a family of my own as soon as possible. I wish I can.